
The integration of the base station antenna

Name:The exhaust pipe antenna




Negative Way:+45°

Standing Wave Ratio:65

Product Features:

FA/D dual-polarization independent ESC exhaust pipe type beautifying antenna SHD-D-1826 FA/D-MPX18

Electrical indicators

Frequency range (MHz)

1880 ~1920 (F)

2010 ~2025 (A)

2500 ~2695 (D)

Polarization mode°


Electric inclination angle (°)

2 ~12

Standing wave ratio of each unit port and calibration port


Unit beam

Horizontal half-power lobe width (°)

100 ± 15

90 ± 15

65 ± 15

Gain (dBi)




Cross polarization ratio (dB)

Axial: ≥15, ≥10 within the range of ± 60°

Front-to-back ratio (dB)




Broadcast beam

Horizontal half-power lobe width (°)

65 ±5

Vertical half-power lobe width (°)




Gain (dBi)




Front-to-back ratio (dB)


Business beam

0° beam gain (dBi)




0° beam horizontal plane half power beam width (°)




0° beam horizontal sidelobe level (dB)


± 60° beam gain (dBi)




± 60° beam horizontal plane half-power beam width (°)




± 60° beam horizontal sidelobe level (dB)




0° Cross polarization ratio (axial)




0° front-to-back ratio (dB)


Mechanical index

Antenna size: (mm)

φ 315 × 1600 ( excluding elevated frame )

Radome material


Cover color


Working temperature (℃)

-40 ~+60

Ultimate wind speed (m/s)


Antenna weight (kg)


Installation method

Floor foundation installation/elevation installation

Working temperature (℃)


Wind resistance

Working wind speed 110Km/h Limit wind speed 110Km/h

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